- Arrive any time after 4pm (how to get there)
- Pizza, drinks, evening games
- Breakfast - wear a sweater vest if you're able to acquire one
- Optional hike. Route TBC, ideally go by a pub. Pack lunch / get lunch out
- Back at the house, outdoor games in the reliable Welsh sunshine (rounders, cornhole etc. Please shout if you have any ideas/equipment!)
- Cook up a big chilli sin carne for dinner
- Evening games, beer pong team tournament
If anyone is coming on Saturday - post in the Whatsapp group when you're due to arrive and we'll work things out.
- Breakfast
- Maybe a short trip / explore the local area
- Outdoor games in another day of glorious sunshine. Capture the flag?
- Lunch & dinner TBC. Maybe BBQ?
If you're able and willing to stay until Monday then lovely, but also feel free to steal away on Sunday at any point if responsibilities beckon.
- Tearful goodbyes, leave by 10am